ELIZABETH (f) "oath of God"
(Hebrew). In the Old Testament this was the name of the wife of Aaron.
In the New Testament this was the mother of John the Baptist. The 12th-century
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary was the daughter of King Andrew II. She became
a Franciscan nun and lived in poverty. This was also the name of two queens
of England and an empress of Russia. A famous modern bearer is actress
Elizabeth Taylor

Elizabeth, having you for my
is a great challenge and a
lot of fun.
I hope I can make all of your
wishes (and then some) come true!!!

According to legend,
a dream catcher lets you sleep without having bad dreams. The web
of the dreamcatcher lets the good dreams go down to the person sleeping,
and the bad dreams are caught in the web..
As I am not talented at making
gifts, anyone who would like to send Elizabeth a gift may do so by hitting
the email button above. I will then ensure it is added to these pages.
Thanks Tanasia
Thank you Bev for
designing and sharing
another one of your creations
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Page last updated
June 12, 2000
Moved in June 6, 2000