Some of your Den Sisters asked
to give you these gifts:
From Fanchette
From Irish Eyes
From Bunnie
Click here
for even more gifts

Thank you once again Bev
for your hard work and
for sharing that talent
with the rest of the world so
The beautiful painting by John Waterhouse
is taken from a
CD which I own that it is
o.k. to redistribute images.
This is meant
to be a name only calling card, but you could put other
words on it
if you wished...you may use the calling card without the set.
Elizabeth, I am leaving
the calling card and Bev's comments on this set in the event that you would
like to use it.
Index | Gifts
| Poetry | Vince Gill
| Dream Holiday | Gardening
Page last updated June
12, 2000
Moved in June 6, 2000